黑暗集会 / Dark Gathering / ダークギャザリング BDRip
正片外挂 FLAC 7.1,部分特典内封 FLAC 5.1。
Main episodes have external MKAs of FLAC 7.1. Certain bonus videos contain FLAC 5.1.
The picture quality of the source is just okay. As a thriller, it added a bunch of noise to set the mood, but sadly, the source left us with a lot of grain blocking and DCT noise. The lines are kinda blurry with lots of aliasing. Thanks to all that noise, the flat areas hardly have any banding. For post-processing, we did some adaptive de-blocking, regular anti-aliasing, basic de-banding, compensatory sharpening, line thinning, and adaptive denoising. In the second half of the season, with all the battle scenes and extra noise, the bitrate went up a lot, so the final file size is a bit bigger.
感谢所有参与制作者 / Thanks to our participating members:
总监 / Script: 殉国禁獄鬼軍曹
压制 / Encode: 魄啜繚亂弟切花魁
整理 / Collate: LKey Eden
发布 / Upload: diazchika
分流 / Seed: VCB-Studio CDN 分流成员
感谢所有资源提供者 / Thanks to all resource providers:
CDs: legacy98@jpopsuki, {Bishop, Kaos}@AnimeBytes
Scans: Bikko@U2
VCB-Studio 已不再保证收集作品相关 CD 和扫图资源,详情请参见 https://vcb-s.com/archives/14331。
Please refer to https://vcb-s.com/archives/14331 for more information about that VCB-Studio will no longer guarantee to include relevant CDs and scans.
本组(不)定期招募新成员。详情请参见 https://vcb-s.com/archives/16986。
Please refer to https://vcb-s.com/archives/16986 about information of our (un)scheduled recruitment.
播放器教程索引: VCB-Studio 播放器推荐
中文字幕分享区: Anime 分享论坛
项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表
特殊格式与说明: WebP 扫图说明
Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)